Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Overdue Updates!

Ghostbusters are Back!

It has been a while since out last update since we have been busy with day jobs, events, equipment development, and preparations for Dragon*Con 2010. Here is the quick rundown;


We were pretty busy this spring with quite a few events. Things kicked off with Free Comic Book Day at the Deep in Huntsville where two busters came out to meet with the fans and pose for some pictures. About a week later the local boys in grey were in full force at the Good Day Kids Festival where we shook hands with the next generation of busters, and gave parents a good excuse to teach their children, “Who you gonna call?” Pictures of both events can be found on our Flicker account here:



This summer we added a new piece of equipment to our arsenal; a new proton pack based on Ghostbusters: The Video Game. The pack is the fully upgraded version seen in the game including slime blower, meson collider, and A LOT of lights. All the details of the packs construction can be found on our main prop building blog: http://2storyprops.blogspot.com/2010/08/proton-pack-mark-v-video-game-version.html This new pack will be at our future events so keep an eye out.


Dragon*Con 2010!

This past labor day the Rocket City Ghostbuster made a special call to Atlanta Georgia for Dragon*Con 2010. During the convention we made our way around the hotels making several photo ops and on Saturday marched in the down town parade along with 80 other Ghostbusters and SEVEN Ectomobiles. That night the RCGB added another award to our mantel with Wayne was awarded the Golden Crunch Bar Award for Best Representation of a Ghostbuster by the GBfans staff! A full write up of Dragon*Con is available here: http://2storyprops.blogspot.com/2010/09/dragon-con-part-1-waynes-story.html


We will be keeping this site updated as we make more appearances. In the mean time you can keep track of our prop building progress including the Tainted Love Pack, Upgrades to the Game Pack, and other projects by our prop building members at 2StoryProps.blogspot.com. Stay tuned!